Positive Attitude is the difference between failing and being successful

Why Costa Rica is the healthiest country in the world

  Currently, a study has been carried out with more than eight million data and with different countries of the world, these were issued by the United Nations group, with an expert from the University of Berkley in the United States of North America, donde se considera que Costa Rica es el […]

Why Costa Rica is the healthiest country in the world Read More »

Do you already know which is the best option for your business??

I bring you the second part of the show "Forward SMEs and Entrepreneurs", In this second chapter I am going to talk about a topic, which is the subject of conversation in most of the business plans that I have had the opportunity to teach over a couple of years, además he tenido la posibilidad de

Do you already know which is the best option for your business?? Read More »

Critical Elements for an Internet Business

Muchas personas desean iniciar su propio negocio pero por falta de capital no lo hacen. Si usted desea conocer cuales son los tres elementos críticos para iniciar su negocio en internet con un presupuesto bajo, entonces escuche el siguiente audio en el que en poco más de dos minutos, le enseño cuáles son esos tres

Critical Elements for an Internet Business Read More »

What is a Business Plan and what is it for?

Conozca Todos los detalles de manera clara, sencilla y práctica de lo que es un Plan de Negocios y para qué le sirve a Usted que es Empresari@ Pymes o Emprended@r. Mire a continuación el video y coméntelo. Me interesa su opinión.   Si el video le gustó compártalo con los botones de abajo. Es

What is a Business Plan and what is it for? Read More »

Positive Attitude is the difference between failing and being successful, Positive Attitude is the difference between failing and being successful

Si usted ha estado pensando en cómo escoger o montar un negocio propio exitoso, vea el siguiente video que hice y que le prometo que en menos de 3 minutos le revelará conceptos e ideas que le permitirán tomar la mejor decisión. If you like the video share it with the buttons below. Es facilísimo.

Positive Attitude is the difference between failing and being successful, Positive Attitude is the difference between failing and being successful Read More »

Positive Attitude is the difference between failing and being successful

In the video shown below, it's amazing as in just 9 minutes a successful entrepreneur like actor Will Smith shares so many truly enriching ideas and thoughts that you as an entrepreneur and businesswoman should definitely know. I assure you that you will thank me for sharing this video and even better… Usted empezará

Positive Attitude is the difference between failing and being successful Read More »